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01-13-2025 Board Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 13, 2025

The regular meeting of the Jacksonville Public Library Board of Trustees was held on January 13, 2025, in the conference room of the Jacksonville Public Library.  The following Trustees were present: Laura Bandy, Noel Beard, Beth Capo, Kevin Eckhoff, Lisa Haley, Forrest Keaton, Elizabeth Kennedy, and Katie Weeks. President Mary Fergurson was absent.  Library Director Jake Magnuson was also present.

Vice-President Eckhoff called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.



On motion of Beard seconded by Weeks, and carried, the minutes of the December 9, 2024 meeting of the Board of Trustees were approved as corrected.



The financial reports and bills were reviewed. On motion of Haley, seconded by Weeks, and carried, the financial reports for January 2025 were approved, and all properly approved bills and payroll for January 2025 in the amount of $62,843.14 are to be paid out of general funds as funds are available.



Keaton reported that Endowment Fund market value was $2,406,385.64 as of December 31, 2024, and noted that, after taking into account $136,998.27 of cash disbursements since December 31, 2023, the market value had increased by $190,371.17 since December 31, 2023.



Magnuson reported that the snow melt system did not work during the measurable snowfalls in December, and that Adam from Gano Electric came out to inspect it and determined that a part needed to be replaced. Magnuson reported that Adam returned with the replacement part later in the month and had it successfully installed just in time for the early January snowfall.

Magnuson reported that Adam suggested that the sensor for the snow melt system be placed in the ground as part of the patio due to its somewhat inconvenient placement around the corner of the fire tower. 

Magnuson reported that SpecPro Inc. reached out regarding our skylight.  SpecPro came to the library and inspected the skylight and submitted a report to Magnuson on their findings.  Magnuson reported that SpecPro stated that the skylight was in decent condition, but that annual cleaning and weather coating should be completed within the next two years.  Magnuson shared this report with Graham & Hyde for further inspection.

Magnuson reported that the sewer line project was started by Doyle Plumbing and that the work should be completed within the next few weeks.  Magnuson reported that upon completion of the sewer line project, there will be new carpet installed in the meeting room.  Magnuson reported that Kris Satler, an interior designer from Graham & Hyde discussed options for the new carpet with him on the 19th.

Magnuson reported that on the morning of the 6th, he arrived at the library to find that there were numerous light bulbs throughout the building that failed to come on.  Magnuson contacted Brad from Cors Electric who determined that there was a power surge that caused the various ballasts to fail.  Magnuson reported that Brad came to the library and replaced the existing bulbs with bulbs without ballasts. 

Magnuson reported that due to the holidays and various illnesses, the Friends of the Library did not hold a board meeting in December.  Magnuson also reported that the Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale held on the 7th was very successful with over $850 being raised to contribute to the library.  Magnuson reported that there were many Friends of the Library who volunteered at the sale, as well as numerous high school volunteers from Rotary’s Interact Club. 

Magnuson reported that he had two WLDS segments in December due to November’s segment falling on Thanksgiving.  Magnuson reported that the library was featured several times in December in the Jacksonville Journal-Courier for various events, including a front-page article about the Jacksonville Area Genealogical and Historical Society moving their collection to the library.  Magnuson reported that the library was also featured on regarding the plumbing project.  

Magnuson reported that he completed and submitted the FY2025 Public Library Per Capita and Equalization Aid Grant application from the Illinois State Library.

Magnuson reported that the annual Food for Fines program was another resounding success, with five computer paper boxes full of food for donation.

Magnuson reported that Adult Services had another full month.  Magnuson reported that Ali has been busy with patron appointments and programming. Magnuson reported that the craft events are still very popular and well-attended each month.

Magnuson reported that the Music Under the Dome series has also been well-attended, with 38 patrons attending December’s event. 

Magnuson reported that Ali and Heidi are in the final stages of planning technology appointments at Cedarhurst and The Pointe, and that Ali will be meeting with the event coordinators to set up dates and times for her to come to their facilities. 

Magnuson reported that the genealogical society has been working with Ali to continue to aid patrons with questions regarding family histories and special research.  Magnuson also reported that the complete family history list is almost complete, and that upon its completion Ali will post it both online and on-site for patrons to consult.

Magnuson reported that Courtney and Heidi continue to have success with their services with the Illinois School for the Deaf, and that patron check-outs continue to increase. 

Magnuson reported that the library received a $1,000 check from the Lions Club for the purchase of large print books.  

Magnuson reported that Courtney is busy preparing for the summer reading program, and that this is a year-round process for her.  Magnuson reported that all storytimes have been regularly attended.

Magnuson reported that the Crafts with Santa event was slow but successful, and that he intends to meet with Courtney and Ali to brainstorm some ways to publicize upcoming programs.    



Magnuson reviewed the Comparative Service Report for December 2024.




No report.


Building and Grounds

No report.



No report.



No report.


Public Relations

No report.



See director’s report.



No report.



FY25 Public Library Per Capita Grant Application

Magnuson informed the board that he submitted the FY2025 Public Library Per Capita Grant Application and shared the completed application with the board members to look over. 



Meeting Room New Carpet Proposal

On motion of Keaton seconded by Capo, and carried, the new carpet proposal from Sablotny Floors was approved.



There being no further business, on motion made by Kennedy seconded by Capo, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Ali Jones