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The Jacksonville Public Library has computers available to the public for internet and word processing use. Computers are equipped with a web browser and Microsoft Office products. Computer use at the Library is free, but limited to 60 minutes (1 hour) per day per person. Those wishing to use computers must have a valid library card. Guest passes are available for nonresidents.
There is a single computer designated strictly for word processing. This computer does not require a valid library card and has no daily time limit. This computer does not have internet access.
Computer users agree to abide by the library’s computer policy, which prohibits abusive or illegal activity while using the library’s internet service.
The Jacksonville Public Library offers free Wi-Fi. Everyone's computer is different and you are responsible for knowing how to configure your own equipment. The library cannot be responsible for any changes you make to your computer's settings.
Wireless printing is available. Click here for details.
Wireless users agree to abide by the library's computer policy, which prohibits abusive or illegal activity while using the library's internet service. The library's internet filter cannot be turned off when using the wireless service.