The Jacksonville Public Library will close at 6 pm during the week from December 23rd - January 3rd.
The library will also be closed on December 24th & 25th. And December 31st & January 1st.

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Bylaws of the Jacksonville Public Library Board of Trustees

Jacksonville Public Library

Jacksonville, IL 62650

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

  • The name of this institution shall be the Jacksonville Public Library. Pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Illinois and by authority of an ordinance of the City of Jacksonville, the board of trustees shall consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the council of said city, appointment to be made as of October
  • Regular meetings shall be held each calendar month, except August, in the library or such other time and place as the Board may determine. The date and time of the regular meetings will be determined by the Board on an annual basis and will remain in effect for the following calendar year.
  • Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the President or Secretary or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided that written notice thereof is given to all Trustees at least twenty-four hours in advance of the special meeting.
  • A quorum at any meeting shall consist of a majority of the Trustees with current appointments to the Board. Regular and necessary business of the Board of Trustees can be conducted by a majority of the quorum.
  • The officers of the Board shall be a president, a Vice-President and a Secretary. Their term of office shall be for one year beginning in November. They shall be elected at the October meeting and shall remain in office until successors are elected.
  • The duties of all officers shall be such as by custom and by law in accordance with the position. The President shall be, ex officio, a member of all standing committees.
  • There shall be the following standing committees, appointed by the President for one year coinciding with the term of office of the officers and each committee shall consist of a chairman and two other members:
  1. Finance Committee
  2. Building & Grounds Committee
  3. Personnel Committee
  4. Public Relations Committee
  5. Automation & Technology Committee

          The duties of each standing committee shall be such as are associated with its name or as shall be committed to              it by action of the Board.

  • The order of business at all regular meetings of the Board shall be in accordance with regularly accepted practices and with the agenda as mailed or e-mailed to each Trustee prior to each scheduled meeting.
  • Roberts Rules of Order shall govern in the parliamentary procedure of the Board.
  • The Library Director shall be executive director of the policies adopted by the Board and shall be an ex-officio member. Among his or her duties and responsibilities shall be the direction and supervisions of all staff members in the performance of their duties, the submission to this Board of monthly and annual reports and recommendation to the Board of such policies and procedures as in the opinion of the Director will promote the efficiency of the library in its service to the people of the community.
  • Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed in writing to all members at any regular meeting. They shall be submitted in writing to all members at least five (5) days prior to the next regular meeting and shall become effective only after favorable vote at the next regular meeting. Any of the foregoing bylaws may be temporarily suspended by a unanimous vote of all the trustees present at any meeting and the vote on such suspensions shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered in the official record.
  • These bylaws shall supersede all previous bylaws of this Library.

Adopted March 10, 1997

Amended February 8, 1999

Amended March 13, 2006

Amended October 12, 2010