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OCTOBER 8, 2024
The regular meeting of the Jacksonville Public Library Board of Trustees was held on October 8, 2024, in the conference room of the Jacksonville Public Library. The following Trustees were present: President Mary Fergurson, Laura Bandy, Beth Capo, Kevin Eckhoff, Lisa Haley, Forrest Keaton, Elizabeth Kennedy. The following Trustees were absent: Noel Beard and Katie Weeks. Library Director Jake Magnuson was also present.
President Fergurson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
On motion of Kennedy, seconded by Eckhoff, and carried, the minutes of the September 9, 2024, meeting of the Board of Trustees were approved as presented.
The financial reports and bills were reviewed. On motion of Haley, seconded by Bandy, and carried, the financial reports for October 2024 were approved, and all properly approved bills and payroll for October 2024 in the amount of $68,453.57 are to be paid out of general funds as funds are available.
Keaton reported that the Endowment Fund market value was $2,457,181.59 as of September 30, 2024, and noted that, after taking into account $127,325.93 of cash disbursements since December 31, 2023, the market value had increased by $231,494.78 since December 31, 2023.
Magnuson reported that page Abby has returned to the library, pages Walt and Avery went off to college, and that a new page, Gabby, has been hired and is settling in very well.
Magnuson reported that since PiperWebs will no longer be in operation as of October 2025, he is current currently gathering proposals from other website providers. He will be reaching out to another handful of companies and will bring all the proposals before the board when he has them all collected.
Magnuson reported that Doyle Plumbing and Heating replaced the HVAC system filters as well as the sewer lines on the outside of the building this month, but that the pipes under the building will also need to be replaced or bypassed using a lift station. Magnuson will be receiving proposals for both options from Doyle soon.
Magnuson reported that Mortensen Roofing’s proposal has been returned, and that they intend to perform all necessary roof work in early to mid-October.
Magnuson reported that the Illinois Office and State Fire Marshal Elevator Safety Division provided the library with an elevator certificate of operation.
Magnuson reported that Green Works began trimming and removing the trees around the building on September 30 and that they were able to get most of the work completed that day but will finish up what is left in October.
Magnuson reported that Heidi Estabrook joined him in a meeting with Claire Peak, the Community Health Coordinator at Jacksonville Memorial Hospital. Ms. Peak and the Hospital are currently laying the groundwork for a program that will provide mental health literacy bags to those members of the community in need and would like the Jacksonville Public Library to collaborate on the project.
Magnuson reported that the Crisis Center Foundation currently has a display set up in the North reading room to commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October.
Magnuson reported that the Friends of the Jacksonville Public Library Board met in mid-September, and approved payment of both the Youth and Adult Summer Reading Programs. Magnuson reported that the Friends intend to celebrate Friend of the Library Member Appreciation Week by promoting the group within the community, as well as promoting new and current memberships. Magnuson reported that the Friends have had great successes in their recent book sales and silent auction, and that they have set the date for their large book sale in December.
Magnuson reported that the library has received its second property tax disbursement in the amount of $222,146.14.
Magnuson reported that circulation personnel have been performing their normal scope of duties.
Magnuson reported that Adult Services had an eventful month in September, and that all programs were again well attended. He reported that the encore craft day that Ali has implemented one Saturday a month has met with success, and that patrons are thankful for the extra opportunity to be able to attend. He reported that the Jacksonville Area Genealogical and Historical Society volunteers will be available to assist patrons on Wednesdays from 1:15 to 3:15 p.m., and that Ali has advertised their services on our social media platforms and bulletin boards. He reported that the society has created a digital list of all their donated family histories for patrons to use for reference.
Magnuson reported that Heidi Estabrook attended numerous outreach events in September, including a Zoom discussion held by the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services, as well as a Library Card Sign-Up Week event at Schewe Library on the Illinois College campus. He reported that Heidi also visited the Illinois School for the Deaf on September 19 with Courtney Langdon, and that this visit saw a record number of students checking out library books.
Magnuson reported that Youth Services had a remarkably busy story time schedule in September. He reported that no patrons attended the initial Sensory Storytime, but with continued marketing and promotion it is hoped that attendance will increase. He reported that the program will run through the end of the year and that he and Courtney will conduct a re-evaluation. He reported that Courtney will begin more promotion efforts as well as requiring registration for future Sensory Storytime events. He reported that the German American Partnership Program participants visited the library in September for a brief craft and tour of the facility. He reported that Courtney received positive feedback from both the staff and students who attended, and that library visits will be scheduled in the future. Magnuson reported that Courtney worked very diligently on straightening up the story time room, and that storage space is becoming sparse. He reported that Courtney will be hosting a Spooktacular Storytime program in October for the Jacksonville High School English class, and that she will be holding off on hosting a Spooktacular Storytime at the library so that she can focus on the upcoming teen murder mystery event and the after-hours teen horror movie night.
Magnuson reviewed the Comparative Service Report for September 2024.
No report.
Building and Grounds
No report.
Budget Meeting
The Library Board of Trustees discussed scheduling a budget meeting before the November Library Board Trustees. After a brief discussion, the Finance Committee agreed to meet at the library at 3:00 p.m. on October 24, 2024.
Director Evaluation
The JPL Board of Trustees discussed what instrument to use for the Library Director evaluations. The committee agreed to hold a Personnel Ad Hoc meeting at the library on Tuesday, October 22, at 6:00 p.m. to develop an online evaluation document.
Public Relations
No report.
See director’s report.
No report.
FY25 Public Library Per Capita Grant Application
Magnuson reviewed Chapter 7: System Member Responsibilities and Resource Sharing, as well as Chapter 8: Public Services: Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services.
Carpet Cleaning Estimate
Director Magnuson shared an estimate from Graham Slam Custodial Service with the JPL Board of Trustees regarding the cleaning of the library’s floors. The company informed Magnuson that they would plan to complete the carpet cleaning on a Saturday after business hours, and that it would be accessible for business by the following Monday.
On motion of Eckhoff, seconded by Keaton, and carried, the carpet and floor cleaning estimate from Graham Slam Custodial Services in the amount of $5,000.00 was approved.
Library Director’s Performance Review (Closed Session)
The Library Director’s Performance Review has been tabled until after the Personnel Committee has held its Ad Hoc Committee meeting October 22.
There being no further business, on motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Eckhoff, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 5:53p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Ali Jones